Teacher Trainees to receive May,June Allowances in June – SLTF - Phreshnewsgh


Thursday, June 13, 2019

Teacher Trainees to receive May,June Allowances in June – SLTF

Teacher Trainees at the 46 Public Colleges of Education shall
receive two months allowances at the end of June 2019.
The Student Loan Trust Fund (SLTF) has assured the
leadership of the Teacher Trainees Association of Ghana
that trainees shall be paid their allowances with a month’s
arrears in June.
The leadrship of TTAG indicated in a statement on May 8, that
SLTF has ssured them of the payment.

The statement indicated,that SLTF said its outfit did not receive
any money for payment of alloweances in May 2019.
This response from the SLTF was an indication ,
that the Ministry of Finance could not issue any money to the
SLTF to enable the Fund managers to effect any payment of

This,according to the SLTF was the reason trainees were not
paid allowances for the month of May.
Meanwhile,the SLTF was quoted to have assured the
trainees.that they were  looking forward to
receiving funds from government to effect payment anytime
The SLTF therefore ,assured the trainees,that their alloances
for June 2019 shall be paid with an arrears from May,2019.


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